Font details
- Name:Author.ttf
- Font list:A
- Format:.ttf
- File size:0.03Mb
- Font Name:䅵瑨潲
- Subfamily:剥杵污
- Subfamily:䅬瑳祳⁍整慭潲灨潳楳㩁畴桯
- Full Name:䅵瑨潲
- Version:䅬瑳祳⁍整慭潲灨潳楳㨲㌮㔮ㄹ㤲
- Weight:
- PostScript:䅵瑨潲
- Copyright:ꤠ䍯灹物杨琠ㄹ㤰Ⱐ䙯湴䉡湫Ⱐ䥮挮
Author.ttf is a very beautiful artistic font, Author.ttf is widely used in the design and printing of various books and pictures,Author.ttf has a strong visual impact,Author.ttf is a commonly used font in newspapers, magazines and books, and is used in posters, e-commerce Poster design, store design, logo design, font design and other fields.Author.